Microwave, RF & LF Signal Sources & Sensor Systems

Spectral Line Systems Ltd

Research, Custom Design & Manufacture


View over West Tarbert with Harris Hotel in foreground
Our Tarbert Premises
R & D Laboratory
View over East Tarbert showing ferry terminal
Typical Harris scene on a summer's day

Spectral Line Systems Ltd is located on the Isle of Harris in the Western Isles of Scotland. The Company enjoys a central position in Tarbert, the main centre of population in Harris. Tarbert may be easily reached by flights from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness to Stornoway. Visiting customers can find comfortable accommodation in the Harris Hotel, which lies only 50 metres from the premises, or in the Hotel Hebrides at the ferry terminal, only 5 minutes walk away.


The Tarbert facility is housed within a modern purpose-built building divided into three areas, these being the Research and Development Laboratory, the Electronic Production area and the Machine Shop.


We are always pleased to welcome visitors with a professional interest, whether or not there is any immediate prospect of work. When we first re-located R & D and Production to Harris in 1996 we could see many advantages of such a move, but were somewhat concerned that customers and potential customers would be reluctant to travel so far to visit us. We need not have worried – our visitor book now runs to several volumes!


Customers flying from the main Scottish airports can easily visit us for a 4-hour meeting and return the same day by early evening. When travelling from other U.K. Airports it is better to allow for an overnight stop in Harris, or alternatively in or around Stornoway for an early return flight the next morning. Visitors travelling by road can reach Tarbert by car ferry from Uig in Skye (1h 40min) or Stornoway from Ullapool (2h 45min).


We also maintain a Sales and Design Office in the village of West Linton near Edinburgh. This facility is useful for meeting customers and suppliers who may not have the time to travel to the Western Isles.


The telephone numbers and links below will provide useful information for intending visitors:


Ferries: www.calmac.co.uk
Airlines: www.hial.co.uk/stornoway-airport.html
Car Hire:


Hotels (Tarbert):  
Harris Hotel www.harrishotel.com
Tel: 01859 50 2154
Hotel Hebrides www.macleodmotel.com
Tel: 01859 50 2364
Hotels (Stornoway):  
Caberfeidh Hotel www.caberfeidh-hotel.co.uk
Tel: 01851 70 2604
Tourist Information: www.visithebrides.com
Main Branch Tel: 0845 22 55 121
Tarbert Branch Tel: 01859 50 2011
Stornoway Branch Tel: 01851 70 3088